We're going on day four of a rare winter ice storm here in Texas.
And with colds setting in for two of the boys and feeling a bit of cabin fever myself, I took the opportunity to get out a bit.
Out into the world.
The natural world...the real world.
I know by now that even if it is raining, or cloudy, or hot as
or in this case freezing, it does my soul good to get out.
I always feel more centered, more focused, more patient having spent a bit of time outside.
Even when it is 17 degrees outside.
The ever curious, Mabel came along.
Maybe she was as excited as I was to see what we could find right in and around our own yard.
The gathering included
Red nandina
cedar that smelled heavenly
mistletoe in bloom
holly with red berries
As I walked, my mind began to wander...as it does.
In poetry, winter is often linked to death. But to me, the starkness of the gray-white background makes everything come alive.
Winter is not at all about death. Its about rest, and clarity.
Not only do I see the bare shapes of the trees, the vibrant reds of the cardinal, but I see what's important in my life laid out before me like a grocery list.
Gathering greenery to deck the halls.
Gathering ideas and thoughts and perspective along the way.